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The Mashgiach zt"l & Seder Moed

This Wednesday morning, we awoke to hear the painful news of the passing of the legendary Rav Matisyahu Salomon zt”l, Mashgiach Ruchani of Beis Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood, NJ. After Shacharis, words of הספד were shared with the boys. The message focused on how blessed we are to have Gedolim leading Jewry with their wisdom and guidance. With the passing of any Gadol, the world is entirely different, and it is up to us to attempt to raise the bar; to fill in for the loss. In turn, the students were encouraged to commit to a daily act of chesed. 

On Monday morning, the boys of the MSB accepted upon themselves the challenge of a Mishna-Thon with the goal of completing all of Seder Moed together. The מסכתות were distributed to the shiurim and the פרקים then designated to each student. Over the course of a short period of time, the Seder was completed. How appropriate it was that we made the Siyum on Seder Moed this morning after being מספיד Rav Matisyahu Salomon zt”l. The incredible respect and sense of deep purpose in the Mandel Family Beis Medrash was palpable - and the boys should be so incredibly proud of themselves. 

May כלל ישראל be comforted at this time of great communal loss, and may Hashem continue to guide us through His righteous and sage emissaries. 



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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