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Thank You, Hashem!

For the MSB's 3rd Speaker Series presenter of the year on this Thanksgiving Eve, RYNJ graduate and Shnitzel Guy, Yitzy Haber, spoke to the theme of, "Thank You, Hashem!" He offered his story of surviving cancer and having his leg amputated during Middle School, and his extraordinary life bringing laughter and joy to others. Through incredible humor and sharp wit, Mr. Haber shared a vibrant picture of just how thankful we should be for Hashem's endless gifts and how we can all live lives of hope and positivity. "When I was in rehab, the first thing they taught me was how to fall so I wouldn't hurt myself - and I would be able to get back up again. That is my message to you - we all fall, but we must always remember that we have the ability and strength to stand up again. I am asked if I would change anything if I could, and I respond no, because all that I've been through made me into the person I am today. And I am happy and thankful for it all."



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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