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Renewing Ourselves

This morning, we had the incredible zchus of hosting Rabbi Eliyahu Roberts shlit"a, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Mordechai here in Teaneck. As our 5th in the Speaker Series, the topic of the Rosh Yeshiva's message was, "Meet the New You," in honor of T"U b'Shevat and the new secular year. "One small thing can turn into a very big thing. If you renew yourselves with one קבלה, you will see your life completely change," Rabbi Roberts encouraged.

Towards the end of Rabbi Robert's remarks, he shared a קבלה that many have adopted, namely to wait an hour after Havdalah to turn on one's phone. To maximize the impact and moment of inspiration after the talk, the boys were asked who would accept such a קבלה for just one month, בלי נדר. Three dozen hands immediately shot up. It was clear by the amount of boys who came forward to thank the Rosh Yeshiva and ask for a bracha that his words reached the hearts of our boys - and the Rosh Yeshiva noted just how sweet and wholesome he felt all of the boys were.


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