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Olam Ha'Zeh & Olam Ha'Ba

After yet another spectacular and meaningful Selichos davening this morning, the boys participated in a Siyum on Seder Nezikin by Rabbi B. They first heard a powerful pre-Yom Kippur message based on a Mishna in Masechta Eiduyos, and all chimed in unison to the Hadran. What a special scene it was when everyone came forward afterwards to wish a Mazal Tov.

The fact that everyone was treated to churros afterwards was the icing on the cake. Each boy recited the bracha aloud to enable countless Amens as a zchus for Aharon ben Zvi ha'Kohein z"l, Rabbi B.'s grandfather, on his yartzeit.

Olam Ha'Zeh and Olam Ha'Ba!



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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