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Making the World a Sefer Place

Each of our older two grades had the incredible opportunity of visiting the YU Seforim Sale this morning. Guided by their dear Rebbeim, the boys made their way around the vast and expansive collection of Torah literature as each searched for a sefer or book on a topic of their choosing and interest. As the boys stepped out of the sale, they were all lovingly carrying a new siddur, a new sefer, a new biography - a volume or more to add to their personal collection that will surely continue to inspire their experience as growing young men and Jews. With the endless flow of RYNJ graduates taking pause in the YU schedules to come by to visit their MSB Rebbeim was the perfect completion to the day - seeing that continuity between our current students and the incredible young men they all become.



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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