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For the Chofetz Chaim ... and Us!

This morning after a heartfelt Shacharis, the MSB discussed the fact that today is the yartzeit of the holy Chofetz Chaim zt"l - 24 Elul. We encouraged everyone to join the daily Chofetz Chaim Chabura after Shacharis with Rabbi Kopstick, but also stressed the general value of Shemiras ha'Lashon and using our words for positivity, kind words and compliments. As a zchus to both the Chofetz Chaim zt"l as well as for ourselves, the boys were challenged to an immediate one hour Machsom l'Fi - no lashon ha'ra for at least an hour!

Class to class we went to take volunteers after breakfast - and nearly the entire MSB rose to the challenge!

(Note: The first picture's background on screen is a list of the students of the Chofetz Chaim, including the father zt"l of our dear 7B Rebbi, Rabbi Yankelewitz!)



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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