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Chavrusa Chazara Program Launch!

As we complete our first few days in Yeshiva, it is exciting to share the launching of a new program - CCP, Chavrusa Chazara Program. As we know inherently and through Chazal and educational literature, one of the greatest guarantees of progress and incremental success, particularly in Gemara, is through daily chazara. In order to ensure chazara maintains a place of prominence amongst the nightly obligations of our boys, we have developed a program that will accomplish three objectives:

1) Generate greater excitement for nightly chazara through an official program, one that we can proudly speak of as a central component to our MSB.

2) Introduce a layer of incentives to help motivate students.

3) Create a stronger student connection to Gemara, thereby improving the level of learning and lending greater enthusiasm to our daily learning in Yeshiva.

The students have already learned about the program and are eager to begin. We are thrilled with the potential ahead as we watch our boys grow in Torah learning together!



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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