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A Total Breakdown

When we learn Gemara, students are not simply listening and watching. As in this 8B shiur, Rabbi Geffner presents a total breakdown of each component of the text, both using tzuras ha'daf on the SMARTboard with color coding and annotations as well as the students following suit on the identical worksheets. As the boys dissect each line while building Shas keyowrds and broadening their vocabulary, they're gaining a background to the Gemara's style, strengthening their understanding of invaluable concepts, bridging the passuk-Gemara connections and reasoning system, working on their ability to read and translate themselves, and establishing the skill of anticipating the next step in the shakla v'tarya process.

Peering into the boys' hardcover Gemaros reveals their toil in building these essential Gemara skills - color coded highlighting, translations on the side and an extensive notations in the margins ... all with nonstop participation, questioning and interest.



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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