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8B Pre-Sukkos Halacha & Hashkafa Ask the Rebbi

With boys in the Beis Medrash and the others on Zoom, we hosted an 8B Pre-Sukkos Halacha & Hashkafa Ask the Rebbi panel in place of the regular Halacha class. Introduced by Rabbi Price and moderated by Rabbi Bernstein, students asked questions live and on the Zoom chat about a plethora of topics - the minimum of sitting in a community Sukkah even with social distancing, sleeping in the Sukkah in today's times, the symbolism of the Arba Minim and others.

Thank you, Rabbi Geffner, Rabbi Genack and Rabbi Kopstick for the thorough and insightful answers in guiding the boys! Important, relevant questions and clear, helpful answers!



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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