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Today’s Harness Ha’Yom

The forecast called for on-and-off rain, and we were given the gift of more off than on so the boys could appreciate a thrilling day at Ring Homestead. From the very start of the day (and the spirited singing on the bus), there was not a single complaint about the drizzle in the air because there was far more fun and excitement in the air. As one boy reframed the situation positively, “The rain will only make it more challenging!” They were promised the time of their lives - and they enjoyed a simply marvelous and memorable trip together.

The scene was incredible. Boys helped one another with their harnesses and groups cheered and encouraged one another as they rotated between the host of rope courses and challenges, rock wall and zipline. What a phenomenal sight it was. As the boys called from the treetops to their Rebbeim to watch as they jumped, their Rebbeim rooted them on with, “You can do it!” and, “Awesome job!”

One Kiddush Hashem after another, our boys made us truly proud. As one of the Ring Homestead group leaders remarked, “I always love this school coming up here. These boys are really great!” The boys thanked the staff. They thanked the bus driver. And of course, they thanked their Rebbeim.

The endless stream of smiles shined through the mist. What a special time we shared today - we truly have so much to be thankful for!


© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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