Hands-On Halacha Week!

In continuing our quest to make learning engaging and relevant so that our students grow in their appreciation of Torah and in their enjoyment learning it, we are dedicating some time in addition to our standard curriculum by launching a week of Hands-On Halacha. This week, each grade will be tackling a unique topic as they will both learn the halachos and participate in what will undoubtedly be a memorable hands-on component.
Our boys in 6B will be strung up With Strings Attached as they learn Hilchos Tzitzis, followed by a tzitzis workshop where they will make their own pair of tzitzis.
In 7B, the students will be inspecting Hilchos Kashrus as they go Behind the Symbols, followed by a visit from the Kof-K.
The graduates of 8B will be tied up with Hilchos Eruv as they Hold the Line, along with an introduction by Rabbi Micah Shotkin, who oversees several local eruvim, followed by a local eruv tour.
Detailed teacher guides, presentations, and student materials have been developed for each unit in order to facilitate a meaningful and stimulating learning experience.
We look forward to an exciting week as our students delve into these critical areas of Jewish life.