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Yom Ha'Shoah: Their Memory Still Shining

By Binyamin Schuh:

As Jews, we all spend the day commemorating the Holocaust. How could we forget? The 6th and 7th grade student-led program was a very touching moment for me. After all, we all lost so many people in the tragedy. A narrated presentation by one 7th grader along with six students between the two grades who offered us the stories of particular victims of the Holocaust, the program ended in a candle lighting ceremony. Starting with each “Zachor, remember” and ending with Rabbi Bernstein’s story and encouraging message brought me to tears. We all have to remember for we are the last generation that will probably meet a survivor. ZACHOR, REMEMBER.

In memory of the six million Kedoshim.


© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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