Following in the Way of Our Beloved Rabbi K.

It is hard to believe that we will shortly be approaching the first yartzeit of our dear mentor and friend, Rabbi Dovid Kaminetsky zt"l. Over the course of the past few months, as we continue to miss his warm and sweet presence, we have been working on a means to both bring him the honor he richly deserves while utilizing the lessons he stood for in further nurturing our students to follow in his footsteps.
While we will be dedicating the main hallway in which Rabbi Kaminetsky zt"l spent his time, there is so much more we need to do. In school, we will be recognizing students who demonstrated the middos he would be proud of as well as spend a day dedicated to chesed in his honor. Most of all, there must of course be learning in his merit as well.
Until the end of the year, we will be sharing weekly material to learn and internalize the lessons of Pirkei Avos, Following in the Way of Our Beloved Rabbi K. Throughout the Yeshiva, students will learn a designated Mishna with themes, discussions and practical applications along with a pertinent story about Rabbi Kaminetsky zt"l as retold by his children. We hope that these weekly lessons not only help strengthen the middos throughout the Yeshiva, but perpetuate the legacy that Rabbi Kaminetsky zt"l built through our children.
As we enter the Yimei Ha'Sefirah, may our efforts increase our sensitivity in the areas of bein adam l'chaveiro so that we may merit the rededication of Torah as one.