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Sensational Simcha in the Sukkah

A magnificent a truly joyous Simchas Beis Hashoeiva last night with exceptional dancing and ruach!

Thank you to all of our generous sponsors in making this event possible.

Thank you to Mrs. Amira Kra for all the coordination and continued time, effort and dedication.

Thank you to Yitzy Glicksman for your talent in supplying the music that fueled the joy.

Thank you to the Rebbeim for coming out during Chol Ha'Moed and generating the most amazing dancing.

Thank you to Noam Kra and Natan Horowitz for your inspiring words of Torah.

Thank you to the Schnitzel Guys for bringing the energy as always.

Thank you to Beth Aaron for the use of your Sukkah as always.

Thank you to everyone for participating in making this year's Simchas Beis Hashoeiva the best yet!



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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