The Crown of Good Character

By Natan Horowitz:
For some, receiving this year’s כתר שם טוב was the first time, for some it was the second, and for some it was the third, and so on. There is one thing that we can all agree, and that is the fact that it is an honor to receive כתר שם טוב. That goes without the fact that there are certain prizes to go along with this award - extra recess at the beginning of class, hero deli sandwiches in fifth period for dinner, and a fancy certificate. Everyone who made כתר שם טוב got together for a group photo, all holding up a certificate and smiling, proud of themselves. However, it is never the prizes that make כתר שם טוב so special, it is the honor of being able to say that I made כתר שם טוב at school.