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Yom Ha'Shoah: Remembering Through Positive Action

By Daniel Wertentheil:

Today on Yom Ha’Shoah, the 6th and 7th grade boys had a very meaningful program to remember the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust. The mood was set in the darkened Shul with very little red light from the spotlights shining down on six candles for the people that died in the Holocaust. It started with some slow acapella of “v’Hi She’amda,” and an introduction by Morah Zucker. Six boys were chosen to each tell over a story about a Holocaust child survivor and light a candle as a picture of the child appeared on the large screen. After, Rabbi Bernstein shared a thought about valuing life and one another, and introduced a short video about a man who saved over 600 children during the war. Rabbi Price closed with a message of commitment to our Torah way of life through positive actions. By the time the program was over, everybody was motivated and very moved.


© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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