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Where's the Beef (From)?

By Abe Friedenberg:

Today in the MSB, the 8th grade was fortunate to hear one of the leading directors of the OU, Rabbi Genack, the father of 8B Rebbi, Rabbi Genack. We learned about several fascinating details of his job, and he posed a few situations to us for our thoughts and halachic perspectives. Among the cases Rabbi Genack discussed was a new generated meat product made from stem cells of live animals. We discussed if it was kosher or not, and if it would be considered Fleishig or Parve and why. Another item discussed was the ability to use pig hair to produce foods or not. Rabbi Genack, in response to our thoughts, remarked, "We have some budding poskim here!"

It is incredible how the head of the biggest and one of the best kashrus organizations spoke just to us! What an experience we had, one that most people can't have.


© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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