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Our Outstanding 6B Team

As we pulled away from school yesterday, the skies were overcast with dark, dreary clouds, and when we arrived at Camp Vacamus, we were greeted with some rain - but our boys were absolutely unfazed, rather they were determined to have an extraordinarily exciting day.

And they did just that.

The day was filled with thrilling and engaging activities that brought out the very best in our students. They participated in an array of team building exercises designed to build their communication skills and ability to brainstorm and problem solve together as a cohesive unit. Each group, throughout each activity, was brewing with excitement with smiles and laughter abound as their Rebbeim proudly observed and interacted with them. One priceless scene witnessed yesterday was of a boy who was initially hesitant to climb up to walk on a singular wire while holding onto a rope. When his fellow group members began cheering him on, he could not help but rise to the occasion while his peers continued cheering until he made it across.

From the time we shared the message of making a "KH" (Kiddush Hashem) before descending the buses at Vacamus (which lead to a full-grade collective chant, "KH, KH!") until the return to school for an inspirational Mincha, the boys demonstrated all that we encourage and promote in our Middle School - wholesome, meaningful fun through fulfilling experiences. The endless stream of thank yous as they left speaks volumes of the character of this grade.



© 2017 by Rabbi Avi Bernstein

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