It's All in Code
In Mrs. Burack's 6B Computer classes, students are learning how to code with Hour of Code by creating characters who walk, breathe, jump,...
Torah Bowlers
After another Torah Bowl meet this week, the team remains undefeated under the leadership of Morah Zucker with a remarkable record of 7-0!
It's a Match
Students in Rabbi Russ's 6B Gemara shiur enjoying a matching game to review for Millim. Learning and fun together is a fabulous match!
Always Time for Torah
As the numbers continue to rise, we stand at near 100% student participation in CCP (Chavrusa Chazara Program)! Even as students waited...
Spreading the Light
The top CCP participants had the privilege, mida k'neged mida, of continuing their light of Torah by leading the Menorah lighting each...