Holding Onto the Past
The Yom Ha'Shoah art committee continues their weekly sessions with Morah Felicia and volunteer, Mrs. Chani Jaskoll. As the planning...
Oh, the Brachos We Have
As efforts continue in connecting with and supporting the IDF and our family in Israel, a new student-driven campaign is afoot to recite...
Learning Is Never Static
The sixth graders learned about the three parts of static electricity - friction, conduction, and induction. As a culmination of the...
Always Growing
This week, we hosted Dr. Schuss, former RYNJ parent and local pediatrician, to speak with 6B about growth, maturation, and self-care as...
Just Don't Break a Leg
As part of the 7B skeletal unit in Biology, students worked with partners to research, develop, and present the background and...