All Part of the Friendship Circle
Our 8B RYNJ volunteers being spotlighted at the annual Friendship Circle Volunteer Celebration!
Yes, It Camp Be Right
As the coach bus pulled out of Yeshiva after breakfast, it was clear that the boys were given the gift of a most glorious day to enjoy up...
A Siyum: Midah K'Negged Midah
As the daily Chofetz Chaim Chabura with Rabbi Kopstick enjoyed the milestone of completing Sefer Chofetz Chaim, they were treated with a...
Dedication to Torah
The students’ dedication to learning is just incredible. Even on a day without 8B classes, the learning continued. Students pushed for a...
Cashing In on Their Cards
On Yom Ha'Atzmaut, after their interaction game with Digital Dov, students cashed in their sets of This Is Home cards for Israeli treats!