Partners in Eternity
Just an "average" day with way above average learning as always! Chvarusa learning in 8B-C.
Turning the Page
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Goldman's 6B shiur on their siyum after completing two blatt (!!!) of Gemara! The spontaneous dancing was adorable!
Bright Beginnings
Fabulous chavrusa learning and shiurim with the Rebbeim as the first part in the 6B parent-son program on January 1. Rabbi Schreir, Rav...
On the Bright Side
Two inspiring nights of menorah lighting and Maariv - followed by scooter raffles.
Returning the Favor
The LSB hosted the MSB as part of the Reciprocity Event - returning the favor from the Tent Event earlier this year. The boys should be...