It's All About Middos
Middos Monday in motion as the boys continue in פרק ו in מסילת ישרים with this week's topic of What a Rush - overcoming the Yetzer Hara...
Time to Turn the Page
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Dechter and shiur on your Siyum on the amud of Gemara! Many more ahead iy"H!
Let There Be Simcha
7B continues their Bar Mitzvah preparation with a review of simcha etiquette, followed by an exciting session of dancing and game...
Always Home in RYNJ
First day off - first chance to return home to RYNJ. We miss you guys!
Torah is Our Way of Life
Students joining Rabbi Kopstick for his daily post-Shacharis Chayei Adam chabura (after completing Sefer Chofeitz Chaim last year).