With Spirits Soaring
As one Rebbi phrased it, "This was the best chagigah in all my years!" The dancing was extraordinary and the kumzitz was heartfelt. What...
Our Daily Dose of Chizuk
The daily Chofetz Chaim chabura after Shacharis continues to thrive as more students have taken on their 30-minute Machsom l"Phi in the...
Dress Like a Teacher Day
Going forward, the new principal has determined that dismissal will be an hour earlier every day. So says, Rabbi Glaser, so be it.
One Cool Cat
We're not sure this is what they mean when they say someone's a teacher's pet, but ... there's nothing like when a Rebbi or teacher comes...
The Taste of Champions
Mazal Tov to our 8B Jaguars upon becoming the first 8B team to win a basketball championship!