Team 6B at Camp Vacamus
The fun and excitement that started the week on Sunday continued yesterday with the 6B trip to Camp Vacamus. The goal of the trip was to...

Let the Ruach Roll!
What an inspiring opening to the new year as the boys sang and swayed together for their first Friday Ruach. And oh was there ruach!

Year Up Meet Up
Our 5B, 6B and 7B students meet the next grade's Rebbeim with an ice breaker activity and song competition followed by a stirring kumzitz...

Final Friday Ruach
But the ruach never ends in the MSB!

1st Annual Graduation Siyum Banquet
Mazal Tov to Yaakov Malik and Akiva Lieber for making siyumim, and setting the standard for all graduates to come! You elevated the...