If You Build, He Will Come
Students enjoyed the second round of CLASSic Fun with First Fruit Race (using the theme of Bikurim ... students eating Fruit by the...

Which House Is It?
Using the Color War theme once again, the boys competed in a game of Kahoot to test their knowledge of the three Batei ha'Mikdash....

Bringing "Down" the House
Color War teams competed in a volleyball tournament, with the winning team surprised by playing the Rebbeim! Intense!!!

CW5780 Learning with Lower School
This morning, the MSB hosted 4B and 5B in order to learn some halachos of Kibud Beis Medrash in connection with this year's Color War...

Lip Sync
In a most creative and extremely humorous way, the three teams competed in a Lip Sync. The respective committees did a fabulous job - the...