Shabbos Kodesh at the Kopsticks
Even vacuuming before they leave! Email feedback from a local member of the shul to Rabbi Kopstick after Shabbos: "I have never seen such...

I'm Proud, I Say My Brachos Aloud!
This morning, we began a new initiative to bolster saying brachos aloud. Students simply find a Brachos Buddy to hear their bracha aloud,...

CW5780 - All Smiles!
Enjoy your winter break!

Rebuilding Our House
A few of the Mashpias hard at work in their secret location, rebuilding the Beis Ha'Mikdash for the Finale. What a powerful message to...

MSB: A Great View of You
Skits, commercials, Dude Perfect and of course, music videos ... humor, meaning, talent ... and so entertaining.