Let It Glow: Serving Up Some Fun
8B enjoyed a Melave Malka with pizza, a D'var Torah and thrilling glow-in-the-dark volleyball. Team Price/Sheinbein, Team Bernstein/Baron...

Mitzvos Are Magical
7B started their Mitzvah Magician training this morning with the Schnitzel Guys ahead of a series of nursing home trips to lift countless...

They Truly Outbid Themselves
This week, we hosted the Masmidim Auction where students bid on over 50 prizes from their Rebbeim, teachers and administrators - using...

Chesed Branches Out
The boys enjoyed their tree cookies as a treat for their T'U b'Shevat Kiddush Levana breakfast on this Rabbi K. Chesed Day. They only...

Preparing for the Big Parade
The MSB Israeli Day Parade Committee meeting for the second time on Friday with parade coordinator, Mrs. Julie Farkas, to discuss plans...