Chanukah Gets the Silent Treatment
We began our week of Chanukah with a ridiculously exciting time with DJ Dov! Dancing, singing, kumzitz - all streaming into their ears...

Students Souls Shining
While we fuel the fire, the spark comes from within each student. So when we kumzitz, students get to shine ... and that light is sure...

Chazara, Chazara, Chazara
Friday ruach with a twist! We began with the spirited Lulei Sorascha, and continued with a dance to the Chazara Song playing throughout...

It's Just the Beginning
Mazal Tov to Moshe Geffner upon making a Siyum on Seder Zera'im with the Mishna Yoni program yesterday on our 8B trip to Philadelphia!...

Mazal Tov, Rebbi!
How did the 8Bers celebrate the simcha of the birth of a boy to their dear Rebbi? One shiur prepared a full breakfast and the second...