Moshiach Is Coming!
Jeopardy competition with questions focusing on the Beis Ha'Mikdash. These boys know their stuff!

The Achdus Games
The Achdus Games - Minute to Win it style! Three competitions, all connected to the 2nd Beis Ha'Mikdash! Thrilling fun together!

It Always Workout
Time for the Mishtachavim Workout Challenge - all within our Kahhel theme. Pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks - getting in shape for the...

MSB Got Talent
So much talent! So much ruach! Yasher koach to all of the incredible performers!

This Means (Color) War!
And Color War 5783 has begun! Hakhel: Blessed Together - and they are sure have a load of fun in our first day of CW!