The Ruach Will Continue
For our final week of Friday Ruach, we hosted 5B for spirited kumzitz singing followed by dancing. Incredible achdus!!!

Another One for the Books
The graduates of the Class of 2023 were excited to receive their yearbooks and sign messages for one another alongside their Rebbeim and...

We Will Return to You
What a special, memorable night it was as we celebrated this wonderful milestone together as the Class of 2023! A tremendous yasher koach...

We Are the Champions!
Our 6B Jaguar basketball team brought home another trophy! A big congrats to Coach Wolk, A.C.E, and this incredible group of your men for...

Siyum on Shisha Sidrei Mishna!
A huge Mazal Tov to Matan Moskowitz of 7B upon his inspiring Siyum on Shisha Sidrei Mishna for his Bar Mitzvah! What a phenomenal way of...