Raising the Roof with Ruach
Friday Ruach ... enough said. Wow, just other-worldly powerful and uplifting. Singing, story, cheering - nothing quite like it.

RYNJ is Always Home
Once a student, always a student! When one grad heard that a Rebbi he wanted to say hello to was out for a family simcha, he was visibly...

Armed with Achdus
We ended the week with more Tehillim as RYNJ hosted and participated in a Zoom program with over 6,000 students from across the country....

Tehillim All the Time
When we all continue to encourage our role in supporting our dear family in Israel, it is inspiring to see how quickly the students...

We Are Your Servants
As we completed our final Shacharis before Yom Kippur, a powerful story of hope, faith, and reconnecting with Hashem was shared with the...