Boys and Their Balloon
By Natan Horowitz: This morning, the Shnitzel Guys came for another one of their sessions with 7B - this time, to teach us cool tricks to...

Learning from the IDF
By Yehuda From: Today in the MSB, we were privileged to hear two inspirational speeches from former IDF soldiers. They spoke to us about...

Where's the Beef (From)?
By Abe Friedenberg: Today in the MSB, the 8th grade was fortunate to hear one of the leading directors of the OU, Rabbi Genack, the...

8B Melave Malka Mania!
By Yehuda From: This past Motzei Shabbos, we got to enjoy the annual 8B Melava Malka. When we arrived, we came in and feasted on hot EJ’s...

8B Melava Malka Mania!
The memories are 'gonna roll ... bound to be a night for the ages. Looking forward 8B!