Fantasy Dreidel
By David London: Today in the MSB, each class had the privilege of having a very fun time playing Fantasy Dreidel. During the contest, my...
What a Ball!
By Tzvi Shor: This afternoon, the MSB had an amazing and fun basketball tournament. There were teams in each grade split up with names...
Picture Perfect
By Avraham Mordechai Engelstein: Today, we played an intense trivia game about all kind of topics, called Panopoly. Everybody was put on...
From Dance to Trance
By Elisha Cohen: After a morning of dancing, the hypnotist show yesterday was very enjoyable for everyone to experience. Personally, I...
Dance This Way
By Binyamin Alter: This morning, the 7th grade boys had a very fun time practicing what to do at a Bar Mitzvah. The Schnitzel Guys, with...