The Crown of Good Character
By Natan Horowitz: For some, receiving this year’s כתר שם טוב was the first time, for some it was the second, and for some it was the...

Yom Ha'Shoah: Remembering Through Positive Action
By Daniel Wertentheil: Today on Yom Ha’Shoah, the 6th and 7th grade boys had a very meaningful program to remember the six million Jews...

Recognition for Torah
By Pinchas Richman: Today, all the students who consistently went to Sunday school voluntarily (5th-6th grade) got rewarded with a...

By Ezra Wallach: Yesterday, 8B learned all about the sale, הלכות, and the people involved in the sale of chametz from our very own Rabbi...

2nd Annual 8B Car Clean Drive
By Shlomo Zauderer: The 8th grade car clean fundraiser was a success and we had a blast doing it. With four commercial-sized vacuums and...