A Day to Always Remember
Today, on Yom Ha'Zikaron, we had the privilege to be inspired by Mr. Stephen Flatow by sharing our collective feelings of appreciation...

Time to Farbreng-In Shabbos!
8B Farbreng-In Shabbos with inspiring stories and singing ... and kugel. Thank you to Rabbi Levi Neubort, Rav of Chabad of Fair Lawn, for...

Our 8B Yom Ha'Shoah Experience
By Yaakov Malik: Yesterday, the eighth graders had the wonderful opportunity of touring the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City....

Yom Ha'Shoah: Their Memory Still Shining
By Binyamin Schuh: As Jews, we all spend the day commemorating the Holocaust. How could we forget? The 6th and 7th grade student-led...