Remembering 9/11
It was an honor to host Mr. Russel Moskowitz this afternoon to speak about his stirring and gripping 9/11 experience. He addressed the...

Year Up Meet Up
Our 5B, 6B and 7B students meet the next grade's Rebbeim with an ice breaker activity and song competition followed by a stirring kumzitz...

5B Step Up Day
After learning a great deal about the MSB from Mrs. Wexler, Dr. Goldman and Rabbi Bernstein, the 5th graders shared their lunch with 7th...

Building Our Circle of Friends
Mrs. Wexler introduced 6B and 7B to Mrs. Zeesy Grossbaum who spoke about the incredible work, opportunity and benefits of joining the...

1st Annual Graduation Siyum Banquet
Mazal Tov to Yaakov Malik and Akiva Lieber for making siyumim, and setting the standard for all graduates to come! You elevated the...