They Truly Outbid Themselves
This week, we hosted the Masmidim Auction where students bid on over 50 prizes from their Rebbeim, teachers and administrators - using...

Jumping Rope for Lev l'Chayil
Today, on Rabbi K. Chesed Day, the MSB raised money for Lev l'Chayal by jumping rope with special guest, Russell Moskowitz, of Jump Into...

Shabbos Kodesh at the Kopsticks
Even vacuuming before they leave! Email feedback from a local member of the shul to Rabbi Kopstick after Shabbos: "I have never seen such...

I'm Proud, I Say My Brachos Aloud!
This morning, we began a new initiative to bolster saying brachos aloud. Students simply find a Brachos Buddy to hear their bracha aloud,...