Enjoying Every Bite
A few dozen students enjoying their second to last Mishmar session of the year with their extra learning as strong as ever.
Always Having a Ball
Our final Kiddush Levana breakfast was followed up with the last inter-grade competition - a volleyball tournament! In the first round,...
If You Built It
This week in one of the culminating E2K sessions, both 6B and 7B participants worked on their combined Science and Math builds - water...
A Siyum: Midah K'Negged Midah
As the daily Chofetz Chaim Chabura with Rabbi Kopstick enjoyed the milestone of completing Sefer Chofetz Chaim, they were treated with a...
Dedication to Torah
The students’ dedication to learning is just incredible. Even on a day without 8B classes, the learning continued. Students pushed for a...