What a Merit
Congrats to the newest Tefillah Merit raffle winners! May all of your tefilos be answered with wild success!

Israel In Action
To conclude a meaningful and exciting Yom Ha'Atzmaut 5783, each grade enjoyed some physical activities outside in the beautiful - all...

8B-Led Yom Ha'Atzmaut Carnival
Students from 1st through 7th grade had their dedicated time at the carnival, and the sheer excitement our boys generated for several...

A Real (Ka)Hoot
Yom Ha'Atzmaut began with a shiur and classroom discussion with the theme of, "Israel @ 75: Mesiras Nefesh." Using various sources and...

A Day to Remember
On Tuesday, we were privileged with an inspiring Yom Ha’Zikaron presentation from Wounded Soldiers representative, Ofir Anidgar. He...