V’Nahafoch Who?
Rabbi Kopstick and Rabbi Dechter lead a game of Guess Who? ... V’Nahafoch Who? Based on costumes, the teams competed against one another...
Let There Be Light!
Torah Bowl Competition, using the theme of the day as the grades competed with one another.
Shushan Purim Starts with Torah
After a beautiful Shacharis and some learning, our MSB students joined Lower School classes to begin learning about Pesach. Each with a...
True Simcha
This morning, we had the zchus of hosting Rabbi Levi Neubort, Rav of Anshei Lubavitch of Fair Lawn and RYNJ parent, as our 6th guest in...
Silent Skits
For this month's Kiddush Levana activity following a bagel breakfast, students competed by grade in silent skits. Each skit was crafted...