Our Daily Dose of Chizuk
The daily Chofetz Chaim chabura after Shacharis continues to thrive as more students have taken on their 30-minute Machsom l"Phi in the...

Being an Upstanding
Mr. Glicksman, MSB Guidance Counselor, presenting his monthly Middle School Readiness course to one of the 6B classes. This month's topic...

The Inventions of Thomas Edison
Faye brought in Thomas Edison (actor Patrick Garner) to share his life's story and inventions with 6G and then 6B. Amazing humor and...

What a Ball!
Our Class of 2024 enjoyed their annual 8B Melave Malka this week with דברי תורה, pizza, and a thrilling glow-in-the-dark volleyball...

Game Day
Mrs. Fullerton's 6B students signed up to participate in a lunchtime tournament to play the Royal Game of Ur, which is the oldest...