We Know Sukkos Like the Palm IN Our Hand
By Eli Knapp: Today in Rabbi Barrish's class we learned all about the lulav and Esrog. When we first walked into class, he brought us a...

Getting Into the Tal-Mood
The boys of Rabbi Kopstick's 8B Gemara class were on fire this morning in preparation for a quiz. Only six days into school, and the...

Fast, Let's Learn
It might be a fast day, but you wouldn't have noticed by the intense and engaging chavrusa learning in Rabbi Herbst's class today. The...

Shofar, So Good!
By Yisroel Shaffren: Recently, the 6th grade classes had a special visit from two special people. My father and grandfather came in to...

Thank You, Mrs. Rosen!
By Ari Herman: The entire 6B decided to show their appreciation towards Mrs. Rosen. They decided that each student would chip in a few...