Oodles of Torah Learning
Another meaningful Sunday morning of learning ... and a little treat.

Well, That Was a Mouthful
On Thursday in Rabbi Geffner's class, we incorporated a fun activity to measure a cheek full which is the minimum that you have to drink...

Chumash, Chinuch and Chrome
We had a engaging Chromebook activity today using Sefaria for Sefer Ha'Chinuch, along with our Chumashim and Chumash worksheets. The...

The Tent Event of 5779
By Yosef Shell: My class got into a tunnel formation to welcome 2B2 this morning for the Tent Event. They enjoyed a snack and drink...

Making Hour Learning Meaningful
by Emanuel Lubetski: In Mishna class, we did a project to help us better understand the concept of shaos zimaniyos. In order to...