Recognition for Torah
By Pinchas Richman: Today, all the students who consistently went to Sunday school voluntarily (5th-6th grade) got rewarded with a...
Engaged in Debate
By Shlomo Stobezki: Today in Mrs. Chandras’ 7B4 class, we had a debate about a controversial media subject about whether a girl was right...
Onto the Next Parsha
By Nachum Pietruszka: Rabbi Herbst’s class recently had a siyum on Parshas Naso. There were delicious snacks, which was followed by a...
We Can Debate That
By Ephraim Sheinbein: RYNJ allows their students to learn in all different types of ways. In Mrs. Baron’s class, we are learning how to...
Learning-Based Project
By David London: In Rabbi Russ’s class, we just finished an exciting עמוד of גמרא! As a review project, we were asked to either write a...