What a Cast
By Gavriel Paley: Rabbi Genack and the rest of the RJC Rabbis have recently started a podcast called “Drasha Deconstructed.” In this...

Bringing Ancient Egypt Alive
Mrs. Elana Kaplan offering a fascinating presentation of artifacts and history of ancient Egypt to a mezmarized and engaged 6th grade.

A Love for Learning
What does Rabbi Kopstick's 8B Gemara class do after a review and bechina? Sing and dance to Baruch Levine and Benny Friedman's Chazara song!

Torah - That's the Ticket
Rabbi Geffner's 8B class plays a custom-made game of Ticket to Ride to review Gemara - what a ride!

Engagement is Gold
Mrs. Campbell's 6B Math class scurrying about, solving equations in an exciting treasure hunt.