A Special Siyum
By Elisha Gamms and Raphael Wasserlauf: This morning, Rabbi Wachsler’s 6B-RW had a very nice siyum. We heard five boys speak which were...
Testing, Testing
By Ezra Nussbaum: This Thursday, Rabbi Schnall’s Gemara class had the zchus of welcoming Rabbi Rothwachs from Beth Aharon to test the...
A Morning of Torah Together
Dear Parents, This morning’s parent-son learning program was a fabulous testament to the truly vibrant, dedicated, and immensely...
A Real Rocket Scientist
By Aryeh Manevitz: Today was so much fun because my grandmother came into school and presented something really cool to my class. First...
Learning is Anything But Dry
By Yaakov Malik: Recently, the eighth graders participated in a dry ice presentation. On Dry Ice Day, the eighth-grade science teachers,...