Learning is Magnetic!
Today in Ms. Pick’s 6th grade Science class, we tried to make a magnet float without using a liquid or wind. The materials were 2...

8B Pre-Sukkos Halacha & Hashkafa Ask the Rebbi
With boys in the Beis Medrash and the others on Zoom, we hosted an 8B Pre-Sukkos Halacha & Hashkafa Ask the Rebbi panel in place of the...

Torah Everywhere
If a class needs to be at home, we'll bring Torah to you! Torah doesn't stop - and neither do these boys. And those chavrusa breakout...

Story for the Soul
This scene most certainly did not share the full story ... Our beloved Mr. Engel wanted to share a meaningful Rosh Hashana story and...

The Only Hole in Our Learning
In today’s science class with Mrs. Green, we worked on writing a formal lab report after doing a exciting experiment involving a plastic...