The Ascent Begins
Once we returned from Pesach break, the boys began a new Sefiras Ha'Omer initiative with a daily classroom discussions based on Pirkei...

Here's What Essay About That
Once Mrs. Landsman's 6B ELA student learned about, composed, and submitted their persuasive essays, Rabbi B. spoke to the classes to...

Mazal Tov, Chevra!
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Schwarcz and his 8B Gemara shiur upon making another Siyum following yet another milestone! We're all so proud of you...

The Convention is COming
With the 6B Invention Convention coming up after Pesach, Ms. Pick and her creative students are preparing their Rube Goldberg inventions!

The Jury Is Out
Students in Mrs. Braun's 8B ELA classes are acting out the jury script from 12 Angry Men as they engage the book by living through it....