A Wall of Chesed
Another full wall of chesed for chayalim was taken down this week and replaced as they head to Israel next week to offer chizuk!
Pasta for Purim
Thank you to our Gabbai Chesed, Ari Greenberg, and Hillel Kornwasser for collecting Pasta for Purim throughout the building. It will all...
A Breakfast of Champions
7B students surprised their dear Rebbi, Rabbi Fromovitz, with a Mazal Tov breakfast in honor of the birth of a girl! But look what else...
For Our Chayalim
Two new student-driven initiatives launched this week as a zchus for a refuah shileima for two IDF soldiers. Each began with a video...
Sticking to Chesed
In just a few days, hundreds of daily acts of chesed have been performed as a zchus for the protection of chayalim. Project ח.י.ל - a חסד...