Chesed Begins in the Box
By Yosef Pietruszka: Students from the MSB recently volunteered at Tomchei Shabbos. Once we arrived, Tomchei organizer and our very own...

Boys and Their Balloon
By Natan Horowitz: This morning, the Shnitzel Guys came for another one of their sessions with 7B - this time, to teach us cool tricks to...

Tefilah b'Leeba: Keeping Others in Our Hearts
By Rabbi Rosenzweig: In conjunction with Sharsheret's Pink Day and the MSB's halacha series focusing on הלכות ביקור חולים, we initiated a...

Magical Mitzvos of 7B
By Ezra Haselkorn This week on Sunday, the Schnitzel Guys came for a program called Mitzvah Magicians. They went around to each class in...

Kiddush Levana Skits: Final Round
By Shlomo Stobezki: Last week we had the amazing Kiddush Levanah final round skits . First, the 8th graders performed a heartwarming...